Gerard O'Neill
Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Teen & Young Adult
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Aug 2019
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Gerard O'Neill is a novelist living with his family in Sydney, Australia, but he originally hails from the deep south of New Zealand. He worked too long in the suffocating confines of the academy, explaining his need to escape to the great outdoors as often as possible. He speaks English reasonably well, and Japanese...somewhat badly. He enjoys Kendo.
He can often find the time to read a good book, particularly if science fiction. He does read a wide range of books both non-fiction and fiction. He likes to keep up with new developments in science and technology. He also enjoys reading history, and almost anything about the Russian revolution will grab his attention.
You can email him at gerardoneillbooks (dot) com. Gerard loves hearing from readers and he promises to reply to you.